Botany: Inventory of flora and vegetation in a tropical region

The project will conduct inventories of the flora and vegetation in an area of the tropics where botany has not previously been studied in detail. The objective is to prioritize areas for conservation and to reach a better understanding of the area’s phytogeography.

The work will include the following steps:

  • in situ collection of wild plant material;
  • preparation of dried herbarium specimens;
  • taxonomic identification of plants using reference herbarium specimens and molecular techniques;
  • the sending of collected plant material to specialists in different countries for the purpose of identification.

This species-level work will yield an inventory of the analysed region. It is expected that several new species will be discovered.

Surveys of vegetation will be conducted in the field and will include analysis of satellite images. GIS vegetation maps will be drawn.

In accordance with general practice, it was agreed to deposit identified duplicate samples in a herbarium of the country in which the plant collection occurs.

Genetic resource: Wild plant material

Access: In situ collection

Utilization: Taxonomic identification of plants using morphological-anatomical characterization and molecular
techniques, including DNA-barcoding. It includes sending in situ collected material to taxonomy specialists in other countries.

Stakeholders involved in ABS-procedures: Research institution in user country and the Competent National Authority in the provider country

Steps: Apply for PIC; negotiate MAT. Inquire about export permits.

Notes MAT: record in writing that the plant material will be sent to specialists for taxonomic identification. Transfer the plant material with a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) and under the same conditions as the Mutually Agreed Terms (MAT) negotiated with the provider country.